Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's always Christmas in Will's head

Those of you know Will well know that he is in LOVE with Christmas ... everything about it. I absolutely could not contain his excitement any longer so today marked the beginning of Will's Winter Wonderland. I say beginning because he will make many additions and modifications until it is just right. As of today there are 400 lights, 4 Christmas trees, 3 mini villages and holiday music to set the mood. Needless to say, he could not fall asleep under his lights because they were brighter than his main room light (even Will admitted to that truth). Even so, I am certain he is slumbering while visions of more lights dance in his head. Pictures to come. Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Chickago (Chicago chick style)

Christmas tree at the Drake Hotel

Nina, Alix and Sara

Mom Kari just returned from Chicago where she spent three amazing days with amazing women in an amazing city. I have been there before and done it before but the city seemed extra fabulous this time. Maybe it is because my days as a mom are a lot easier to spice up with, well just about anything. Don't get me wrong, coming home to my three boys was nothing short of heart filled bliss but I did enjoy a break from "what'll it be ... oatmeal or waffles?" 

I met my St. Olaf College gal pals Nina, Sara and Alix Thursday night and we basically ate, drank, shop, toured, talked and giggled until Sunday morning. We saw the American Girl store when we shopped Michigan Avenue and that was absolutely enlightening as a mom of boys. It is a small city for dolls where you can buy clothing, furniture, books, accessories, pets, hair brushes, shoes and you name it for your American Girl doll(s). There is even a doll salon, a doll hospital and little doll chairs for your doll to eat lunch with you. I would have fainted with excitement if such a thing were available when I was a tyke. We also took a 2-hour tour trolley ride and saw a good part of the city and heard some fun and interesting stories. That particular trip was topped off with drinks and appetizers on the 95th floor of the John Hancock building. The best part was being with the girls just catching up and sharing our lives with each other.

My dear friend Carolyn picked me up from my hotel Sunday a.m. and brought me to her adorable neighborhood just north (I think) of Chicago. We had breakfast at the Kitsch'n, caught up and then she brought me back to her hip condo. There I was honored to meet and get to know her fiancé Chris and their dog Bart. It had been way too long and it was a perfect cherry on top of my trip.

When I came home I was walking from the plane through the airport listening to a man from Boston tell me about the health care presentation he was modifying for the next day when I saw two little blond boys take off running and screaming "mommy!". Needless to say I ditched health care guy and was gleefully tackled by my little guys. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

St. Joseph and Saint Steve

Jude watching his leaves float away

Steve and Mary Jane

Jackson, Honor and Will

One of the oh so hip lofts

Steve and Todd atop the rooftop garden at the lofts

On Saturday we headed south for a very quick trip to St. Joseph, Missouri where Todd's best friend Steve and his family hosted an open house to showcase his latest project to the city of St. Joseph. He converted a very old building into hip happening lofts and retail space, 258 of them to be exact, and we are ultra proud of him. Steve was (and is) very supportive in Todd's quest to work for himself and be his own boss and we are eternally grateful to him. We hold Steve, Mary Jane, Jackson and Honor really, really close to our hearts and consider them family. Good peeps they are indeed.

Jinkies! Three Scoobies?!

Halloween night on a Friday night? Perfect. And even more perfect was the weather. I imagine wherever you are that your weather was pretty darn fantastic too. And despite the fact that I have consumed 2 butterfingers, 1 Kit Kat and a nibble of Skittles (only in the last couple of hours) the whole weekend was a big hoot. Will was Scooby Doo as were his buddies Tyler and Ryan. Jude was a puppy, cousin Gracie a witch (a nice one so she could be pretty), cousin Reese a kitty and Todd that weird creepy guy he is every year. Gaga came over to take charge of our candy bowl so we all hit the streets for oodles of treats. And they are still here. Where shall I hide them from myself?!